For the last couple weeks I have posted Facebook articles in support of Gov. Gary Johnson, a Libertarian candidate for President of the United States. I have since received messages from both friends and family, either Trump or Clinton supporters, telling me that voting for Gary Johnson would be “throwing away my vote”. They infer that I am not using my brain by voting third party. These people then try to convince me to vote for their preferred candidate. I’m not going to take the bait and argue with each person. Therefore, I’m posting this article explaining my rational for considering voting for a third party. You are welcome to disagree with me, but please don’t try to convince me to vote for your candidate.
- I like Gary Johnson more than the other candidates. He aligns most closely to my philosophy for our country. Voting for who I believe is the best option is not “throwing away my vote”, not voting at all would.
- I refuse to vote for an undesirable candidate to prevent another undesirable candidate from winning, when there is a desirable candidate on the ballot. Voting against candidates are not how elections are supposed to work. I hope that if all the voters who prefer a third party candidate actually vote for the third party candidate, that the third party candidate may have a chance to win. Maybe there are enough people who think like me that Gary Johnson could win. But if I don’t live this ideal, then I’m part of the problem.
- Both major party candidates, and their parties, are equally undesirable for similar and different reasons. I can’t bring myself to support either major party candidate, so I won’t.
Ask my wife, I’m not a person who quickly makes decisions. I like to do a lot of research from many different perspectives before I make almost any decision. Also, I want to feel good about the candidate that I support. Until I learn of some reason why Gov. Gary Johnson is a bad option for my vote, I feel good that my vote is not wasted.