The United States is in trouble. All of us, not just the government. A huge deficit is a symptom of selfishness. Our nation is going into foreclosure because no one wants to make sacrifices. Politians don’t want to make the hard choices because it might end their career in politics. The people don’t want their programs cut nor do they want to pay more taxes. “Let someone else make the sacrifice, not me.” , they say.
“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country” – President John F. Kennedy
The attitude of which JFK is speaking is what made this country great. However, fewer and fewer people have this attitude. People need strive to become assets to our country and not burdens, parasites. This is how our country is going to stay a great nation.
So call your elected officials and tell them, cut the budget and raise our taxes till it hurts. Because this is how we are going to stop our self destructive behavior. We want a strong United States for our children to enjoy and I’m willing to make sacrifices for that to happen.
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